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class Trie {
private static class Node {
public Node[] children;
public boolean isEnd;
public Node() {
this.children = new Node[26];
this.isEnd = false;
private Node root;
public Trie() {
this.root = new Node();

public void insert(String word) {
root = insert(root, word, 0);

private Node insert(Node node, String word, int depth) { // p
if (depth == word.length()) {
node.isEnd = true;
return node;
char childChar = word.charAt(depth); // p
int charIndex = childChar - 'a'; // 15
if (node.children[charIndex] == null) {
node.children[charIndex] = new Node();
node.children[charIndex] = insert(node.children[charIndex], word, depth + 1);

return node;

public boolean search(String word) {
return search(root, word, 0);

private boolean search(Node node, String word, int depth) {
if (node == null) {
return false;
if (depth == word.length()) {
return node.isEnd;
char childChar = word.charAt(depth);
int charIndex = childChar - 'a';
return search(node.children[charIndex], word, depth + 1);

Trie drawing on the computer

insert(ap, 3), insert(b, 2)
root depth=0, val=5
[a] [b]
| |
a depth=1, val=3. b depth=1, val=2
[p] isEnd = true
p depth=2, val=3
isEnd = true